Hello there,
I am working on a series of short scetches about the PMC-soldiers in MGS4.
It would be nice if you are familiar with the Metal Gear games, but it's not a must.
I am looking for voice-actors for:
-and if possible 'Old Snake'
If you're not a voice-actor, but still want to help, I can always use an extra hand.
Ideas and suggestion are also very welcome.
Here's a screenshot to spark your interest: (hopefully...)
I would love to help! Here is a sample of my work. PM me if interested.
<a href="http://fornoreason.newgrounds.com/news/post/336514">http://fornoreason.newgrounds.com/new s/post/336514</a>
I've send you a PM, hope I 'hear' (ohw, that cracks me up :|) from you soon.